Victory’s Journey Ministries
Offering help for today and hope for tomorrow.
Key verse: Philippians 1:6
Motto: Look and Live
Contact the church office for more information.
Victory’s Journey for Women
Victory’s Journey is a ministry dedicated to helping emotionally and spiritually wounded women find healing through small sharing groups. We believe that by establishing an atmosphere of acceptance and confidentiality, women will feel free to explore their past, take a look at it, and deal with it according to Scriptural principles. Jesus Christ offers life abundant, and it is our desire to see God’s daughters enjoy the life He gives.
Moving On for Men
Moving On is a group ministry that helps men of God fulfill their potential. Men in these groups find support, understanding and accountability. By sharing memories, praying together and learning to apply Scriptural truths, group members grow into the individuals they were created to be.
The leaders in these groups are not professional counselors but they have been trained in ministering God’s Word as it applies to emotional healing. They are caring and supportive as they lead the hurting along the journey to joy.